Kincardine O'Neil School


Welcome to Kincardine O’Neil Primary School. We hope that our partnership will be productive and enjoyable. Kincardine O’Neil is a school where pupils and staff alike are valued and treated with respect and where individual educational needs are met. We take pride in the fact that this is a happy and industrious school with very good community links.
We are eager to foster a good relationship between home and school, as this enables every child to derive maximum benefit from his/her education.

HONESTYBuild a caring ethos based on inclusion, honesty, fairness and respect for ourselves and others.
EFFORTTo promote effort and a “have a go” mindset.Encourage everyone to “do their bit.”
AMBITIONProvide challenging and stimulating opportunities which support children to continually achieve.Recognise everyone’s achievements in and out of school.Celebrate all our successes.
RESPECTCelebrate diversity and value everyone’s contributions.Appreciate and take responsibility for our environment and the wider world. Promote the health and wellbeing of the whole school community.
TEAMWORKWork as a team to help and support each other.Work closely with parents, carers and our local community to enable continuous improvement as we strive for excellence.